MIKE CRAMER grew up in the small towns of Treasure Valley, Idaho. At the height of the Vietnam War, he enlisted in the navy, and it was during those four years of long days and nights, floating on a ship in the Pacific Ocean, that Mike taught himself how to play guitar.
The day his four year, stint was up, Mike bid his sailor friends farewell, debarked his ship and within a few months started his singing career. Full of self-doubt, not sure he could really sing, he mustered the courage to perform for $15 a night at the rather inauspicious Blue Flame Tavern in Ontario, Oregon. He knew 25 songs, enough for one full set, which he repeated at least two times his first night. The "crowd" seemed oblivious to the repetition, and to Mike for that matter, but he loved the experience and was forever hooked.
Young, foot-loose and commitment free, Mike took his new-found talent on the road, traveling throughout the Pacific Northwest, performing solo-acts at the Red Lion, Rodeway Inn and Sandpiper circuits.
However, after a few lonely years on the road, Mike realized he had neither the ambition, nor the grit, nor for that matter, the immense talent required to make it as a "rock star." Still, he loved singing and performed locally as often as his family and work commitments would allow.
Today happily retired, Mike enjoys passing his days with his wife of over 40 years and his ever-expanding family, including his two sons and beautiful daughter-in-laws, his two grand-daughters and one, recently added, grandson.
​Mike continues to pursue his lifetime passion by writing and arranging music full time in his recording room, sometimes known as "Mike's Treehouse Studio," other times known as "Mike's Doghouse." He is actively seeking new venues to play, including music festivals, coffee houses, RV Parks and home concerts. In other words, any forum interested in allowing him to sing, which has always been and forever will be, Mike Cramer's North Star. ​